Ergo Lightweight Pushchair
For the child who is too big for a Maclaren Major Elite but still needs something to get around in, even if only occasionally. And where you want it to quietly serve your needs not dominate your every trip out.
For you this pushchair delivers a smart, practical solution to make everyday trips easier.
For your child the ergonomic seat with Safety Harness provides mobility with comfort and security.
If the Ergo Lightweight Pushchair were for an adult then it would be called an ‘attendant operated transit wheelchair’ but this is for a child, and a seat with wheels which is pushed with a child in it is a pushchair. The difference between a pushchair and a wheelchair is really much about the occupant, although most agree that self propelling wheelchairs with large rear wheels are still wheelchairs when used by a child. Other key differences are whether it has a harness; pushchairs always have a built in harnesses wheelchairs don’t, and I think separate footplates also lean more towards what one might think of as a wheelchair.
So the Ergo Lightweight Pushchair is really somewhere between a pushchair and a wheelchair, the convenience, security and user friendliness of a pushchair but yes in many ways it looks like a wheelchair. We make this point because we know that many parents want to avoid a wheelchair for their child either because of the ‘wheelchair’ label or because, let’s be frank, many wheelchairs are very rudimentary, unsightly, uncomfortable and impractical.
The Ergo Lightweight Pushchair will make you re-think your opinion of wheelchairs.
The age range for the Ergo Lightweight Pushchair is determined by the child's size and in particular reflects the length of the child's legs. For guidance this could be from the average size of an 8 year old. The seat is much deeper than that on the Major Elite, a child is less ‘perched’ on the seat so the lower leg length does not have to be substantially longer. That is not to say that a child with a shorter lower leg will not fit, however they may not reach the footrests to begin with and they may need a cushion behind them to pack out the seat a little. We think that this is the next stage on from the Maclaren Major Elite which we would expect a child to be outgrowing at say 8-9 years.
The structurally robust and surprisingly rigid aluminium frame is approved for a occupant weighing up to 100kg however we would expect that someone of this size would need a seat wider than the 41cm model (16") we supply.
The S-Ergo Seat is a curved ergonomic design which helps to resist sliding, provides pressure relief, improves posture and comfort. The lightly padded seat fabric contains Aegis Microbe Shield permanently bonded antimicrobial barrier.
The Armrest Height allows access under most standard height tables and desks.
The Safety Harness is fitted around the metal framework for security but as a ‘floating’ harness. Unlike a built-in harness, it is not limited by the height of the shoulder strap fixing point. It is a four point harness, i.e. is does not have a crotch strap. When you first use your Ergo Lightweight Pushchair it does take a few minutes to fit and adjust the Safety Harness so that it is appropriate for the size of your child, but once done then it is done and everyday use is just a single quick release clip to operate. The Safety Harness is designed as just that a safety harness it is not for 'restraint'. If the child is an 'escapologist' who will attempt to escape from a harness then you may need a more substantial harness including a crotch strap, for example a Crelling Harness. If so please contact us for a price for an Ergo Lightweight Pushchair without a Safety Harness.
Dual rear brakes can be operated by the person pushing to either control the pushchair or lock into a parked position. These are not accessible by the child.
It comes with a 2 Year Frame Warranty (1 year other parts) which covers defects of manufacture or component not ‘wear and tear’. The lifetime of the Ergo Lightweight Pushchair may be significantly reduced if the child is not a co-operative occupant. We do not recommend the Ergo Lightweight Pushchair for a child with violently challenging behaviour, a more heavy duty model like a Trotter may be more suitable.
For a child requiring postural support you can use a seat insert with the Ergo Lightweight Pushchair, for example a Stabilo or BodyMap Vacuum Support Cushion System.
The Ergo Lightweight Pushchair has relatively small wheels, 15cm front and 33cm rear, which are best suited to smooth surfaces, it is not suitable for use off road and with a larger child may struggle even on a cobbled street so it is essentially an urban pushchair. The larger 20" rear wheels on the Ergo Lightweight Wheelchair may be a little more free rolling on a bumpy surface but the difference is small. The relatively small ‘footprint’ of the Ergo Lightweight Pushchair makes it much more suitable than the other pushchairs for use around town, inside shops or other places indoors, e.g. School.
We can supply a range of accessories for the Ergo Lightweight Pushchair e.g.; Headrest Extension, Lambskin Comfort Liner, Wheely Mac, Footmuff and Rucksack style Storage Bag, Travel Bag, etc. for a full list see Accessories. There isn’t a Rain Cover which will fit, we recommend the Wheely Mac.
A TGA Powerpack can be fiited to the Ergo Lightweight Pushchair.
Whilst the Ergo Lightweight Pushchair may be used for someone with special needs the seat may be unsuitable if they have a physical disability which requires postural support management. If in doubt please seek the advice of your physiotherapist.
The Ergo Lightweight Pushchair is not 'Crash Tested' it cannot be used for transporting a child in a vehicle.
Frame- lightweight but robust aluminium frame only 9kg
- maximum weight limit 220lbs, 15 stone, 100kg (but check dimensions)
Wheels- 6" swivel front wheels, good manoeuvrability in small places, not lockable, no suspension, poor on rough ground
- 13" foam filled tyres on rear spoked wheels, good shock absorption, puncture proof
Brakes- dual rear wheel brakes operated by handle levers
- three stage progressive brake system allows gradual deceleration on gradients
Removable & Adjustable Footrests- three levels of adjustment
- can be removed or turned out to the sides
Seat- S-Ergo Seat is a curved ergonomic design which helps to resist sliding, provides pressure relief, improves posture and comfort
- armrests are contoured and padded for comfort
- fixed angle not adjustable
- 'floating' adjustable four point harness
- low maintenance - wipe clean (sponge-able) fabrics
Storage- small pocket on the rear of the seat
INCLUDED as standard in the Ergo Lightweight Pushchair package
We have a good range accessories for your Ergo Lightweight Pushchair: Plus the many other products which creative parents will always add to adapt it for their child.